Presentations & posters

The 2019 symposium is now complete. We sincerely thank all those who participated.

To view presentations and posters from the symposium, please click on each linked title below.


Oral Program: Monday - November 11, 2019


Session Chair: Kai Lorenzen

09:00 Opening Ceremony
09:30 David B. Eggleston

PLENARY: Applying Fundamental Ecological Concepts to Fisheries-Enhancement Science
10:15 Coffee Break

10:30 Neil Loneragan

KEYNOTE: Trends in research on marine release programs (aquaculture-based enhancement) in western countries compared with China and Japan

11:15 Cisco Werner
KEYNOTE: Science considerations in restoring, sustaining, and enhancing marine fisheries

12:00 Group Picture
12:10 Lunch Break

Theme f. Commercial-scale enhancement: Successes, failures and impediments

Session Chair: Neil Loneragan

13:10 Tom McCowan
KEYNOTE: Enhancement of New Zealand’s commercial paua (abalone) fishery: What have we learned and where are we going?
13:50 Peter Britz
TURF based abalone stock restoration using hatchery spat and private security protection in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
14:10 Andrew Dennis Witte §
Model selection to improve abundance estimates for the South African abalone and inform stock management decisions for the ranching and reseeding program.
14:30 Ellen Sofie Grefsrud
Scallop (Pecten maximus) sea-ranching in Norway – lessons learned
14:50 Coffee Break

Theme e. Fisheries enhancement in support of recreational fisheries

Session Chair: Ken Leber

15:00 Edward V. Camp
KEYNOTE: Untapped potential of spatially explicit stock enhancement to improve management and learning in recreational fisheries socioecological systems
15:40 Diana Perry §
Stocking Spatial Planning: Addressing Socioeconomic and Conservation Trade-offs in Recreational Fisheries Systems and a Landscape Scale
16:00 Matthew D. Taylor
Enhancing recreational crustacean fisheries in south-east Australian estuaries
16:20 Mark Drawbridge
Marine Fisheries Replenishment in Southern California – A Status Report
16:40 Kai Lorenzen
Population modeling and assessment of a White Seabass stock enhancement program in California, USA


Oral Program: Tuesday - November 12, 2019

a. Developments in the science base of aquaculture-based enhancement: biology, ecology, and genetics

Session Chair: Dave Eggleston

08:40 Joacim Näslund
KEYNOTE: Can we produce “better” fish? How rearing environments affect behaviors, brains, and post-stocking performance
09:20 Sabine Roussel
Domestication of abalone: what consequences for Haliotis tuberculata behaviour, physiology and growth after one generation of selection
09:40 Enrique Blanco Gonzalez
Genetic monitoring contributes to preserve local genetic diversity and the adaptive potential of translocated wrasses, and insights into the threat of climate change
10:00 R. Christopher Chambers (Presented by B. Phelan)
Experimental methodologies optimized for examining the scope of responses in early life-stages of marine fishes in wild or captive populations due to multiple stressors and variable environments.
10:20 Coffee Break

10:30 Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt
Naïve European lobster released for stocking purposes – will they stay, or will they go; results from a small-scale study in Bjørnafjorden, southwestern Norway
10:50 Michael R. Denson
Using Individual-Based Models to Determine Optimal Harvest Reduction and Stock Enhancement to Minimize Genetic Impacts during Restoration of Wild Cobia Populations
11:10 Ryan Schloesser
Timely Estimation of Post-release Survival for Hatchery-reared Juvenile Fishes
11:30 Jay RC. Gorospe §
Influence of mariculture activity on periphyton characteristics and growth performance of sandfish Holothuria scabra juveniles reared in nearby ocean-based nursery systems
11:50 Lunch Break

Theme b. Improving fisheries through habitat rehabilitation, artificial reefs, oyster reefs and spawning reefs

Session Chair: Ed Camp

13:30 Gabrielle Love §
Informing Restoration: Assessing Distributions of Oyster Predators Across Environmental Gradients in the Suwannee Sound, FL
13:50 Nathan P. Brennan
Establishing Gamefish Populations in an eco-engineered coastal freshwater lake system; Ecosystem restoration and enhancement of coastal pasture lands in Costa Rica.
14:10 James Florisson
Global trends in artificial reefs: how has design, purpose, location and monitoring method changed over the last 50 years
14:30 Rong Wan §
Study on Deployment progress of a Frame-type Artificial Reef Based on 6DoF Model with Dynamic Mesh Method
14:50 Hao Lin Yu §
Exploring the optimum layout of artificial reefs based on species distribution models and computer simulations
15:10 Coffee Break

15:20 Zhengliang Cao
Application of Underwater Soundscape in the Farming Shrimp Pond of Penaeus Vannamei
15:40 Zhaoyang Jiang
Marine Ranching for the Whole Life History of Fish
16:00 Roy E. Crabtree
Artificial reefs – too much of a good thing?
16:20 Lisa Chong §
Effects of artificial reefs on recreational fisheries: what we don’t know might hurt us


Oral Program: Wednesday - November 13, 2019

g. Re-stocking and restoration aquaculture

Session Chair: Joacim Näslund

08:40 Erinn Muller
KEYNOTE: Building resilient coral reefs in the Florida Keys using restoration science
09:20 Aaron R. Pilnick §
Developing intensive aquaculture of the long-spined sea urchin Diadema antillarum as a tool for coral reef restoration
09:40 Caleb Gardner
Restocking Southern Rock Lobster with juveniles ongrown from wild-caught puerulus
10:00 Hongsheng Yang
The Special Behaviors and Restoration of Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus
10:20 Coffee Break

Theme h. Integrating aquaculture-based and habitat-based fisheries enhancements: New technologies to maximise outcomes and create opportunities

Session Chair: Kai Lorenzen

10:30 Tao Tian
KEYNOTE: The development, progress and current state of China's Modern Marine Ranching Program
11:10 Hongsheng Yang
Construction of marine ranching in China: reviews and prospects
11:30 Alistair Becker
Synthesising aquaculture-based and habitat-based enhancement with an iconic sportfish in a highly urbanised estuary
11:50 Don Piper
Building New Fishery Ecosystems: The Science of Flexible Floating Fishing Reefs
12:10 Lunch Break

13:00 Niels Lindquist
New Materials and Strategies for Efficient Large-Scale, Free-On-Bottom Oyster Culturing
13:20 Luis Henríquez-Antipa
Small-scale aquaculture, emergent habitats and opportunities for stocking of targeted species
13:40 Zhenhua Wang
Habitat use of juvenile rockfish Sebastiscus marmoratus in mussel farming area: possible essential fish habitat for reef fishes
14:00 Kai Wang
Feeding habitat selection by Sebastiscus marmoratus in a Special Marine Protected Area within Shengsi Ma’an Archipelago
14:20 Renee Mercaldo-Allen
Assessing fish interactions with oyster aquaculture cages using point-of-view cameras
14:40 Megan Davis
Development of a Fishermen Operated Pilot-Scale Queen Conch Lobatus gigas Hatchery and Nursery Facility for Sustainable Seafood Supply and Restoration of Wild Populations in Puerto Rico


Oral Program: Thursday - November 14, 2019

d. Ecological dimensions: Fisheries ecology, fisheries enhancement, and the broader ecosystem

Session Chair: Matt Taylor

08:40 Guy Rubinstein
Stock enhancement in Sea of Galilee
09:00 Anson H. Hines
Fishery stock enhancement of Chesapeake blue crabs
09:20 William Christopher Long
Ecological feasibility of red king crab stock enhancement in Kodiak, Alaska
09:40 Sabine Roussel
Ocean Acidification Impacts Survival of Juveniles and Reduces Shell Resistance of Adult Abalone H. tuberculata
10:00 Scott Borsum §
Achieving Restoration Success Under Conflicting Socioecological Objectives
10:20 Laura E. Issac §
Reestablishment of a Queen Conch, Lobatus gigas, Breeding Population in a Marine Protected Area in The Bahamas
10:40 Coffee Break

Theme j. Policy and governance: Are policies supporting responsible enhancement keeping up with opportunities?

Session Chair: Caleb Gardner

10:50 Luis Henríquez-Antipa
Restocking in Chile: Identifying Research Gaps and Implementation Challenges for an Ecosystem Approach
11:10 James Tweedley
The parallel dimensions of fisheries enhancement: evaluating societal support for stocking small-scale recreational estuarine fisheries
11:30 Ken Leber
Adaptive Management is a Fundamental but Often Lacking Enhancement Policy
11:50 Kai Lorenzen
Symposium synthesis: Emerging themes and connections in fisheries enhancement and restoration aquaculture
12:10 Mote Aquaculture Park Tour and Lunch
Tour ends at 16:00


Poster Program: Tuesday - November 12, 2019

Theme a. Developments in the science base of aquaculture-based enhancement: biology, ecology, and genetics

1 Chauvaud Pierre §
First step in the preparation of stock-enhancement for the European abalone (Haliotis tuberculata) in Brittany, France

Theme b. Improving fisheries through habitat rehabilitation, artificial reefs, oyster reefs and spawning reefs

2 Craig Blount
A best practice strategy to designing and siting offshore artificial reefs to enhance recreational fisheries
3 Hongsheng Yang
Effects of Artificial Reefs on the Meiofaunal Community and Benthic Environment - A Case Study in Bohai Sea, China
4 Lachlan Ramm, James Florisson
Scientifically robust citizen science monitoring of artificial reefs
5 Zhongxin Wu
Spatial and temporal trends in faunal composition of natural and artificial reefs in the Yellow Sea

Theme c. Hatchery technologies to improve enhancement outcomes and manage genetic risks

6 Paula Caldentey
Prey Capture Kinematics of Wild and Hatchery Juvenile Common Snook Centropomus undecimalis

Theme d. Ecological dimensions: Fisheries ecology, fisheries enhancement, and the broader ecosystem

7 Catherine McLuckie §
To stock or not to stock, that is the question: Identifying productivity bottlenecks to inform management responses
8 Chongliang Zhang
Evaluating the ecological effects of artificial reefs construction in the coastal water of Shandong Peninsular, China
9 James Tweedley
To stock or not to stock: the estuarine enhancement paradox

Theme h. Integrating aquaculture-based and habitat-based fisheries enhancements: New technologies to maximise outcomes and create opportunities

10 David Mundy §
Variation in growth of sea-ranched abalone on artificial structures
11 Shouyu Zhang
Community and biodeposit monitoring of raft cultural system reveals the potential of artificial cultural structure as marine ranching habitat and the need for comprehensive management
12 Takeshi Tomiyama
Effects of Translocation of Clams in Small Spatial Scales


§ indicates Student Presenter.

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