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Mote scientist works with an almaco jack at the Mote Aquaculture Research Park
Mote Research

Marine & Freshwater Aquaculture

Today's Research for Tomorrow's Oceans

The Marine & Freshwater Aquaculture Research Program is developing innovative technologies to produce fishes and invertebrates to meet our growing national demand for seafood and to restock depleted recreational and commercial stocks. Research is directed toward designing and testing filtration technologies for sustainable recirculating systems and toward developing spawning, larval, fingerling and growout culture methods for marine or freshwater species. Mote’s Marine & Freshwater Aquaculture Research Program conducts research at the 200-acre Mote Aquaculture Research Park (MAP) in eastern Sarasota County and at The Elizabeth Moore International Center for Coral Reef Research & Restoration in the Florida Keys.

Mote Aquaculture Research Park (MAP)

Spawning and rearing technologies for marine fishes and invertebrates have been investigated for a wide range of species, including Common and Pacific snook, Florida pompano, southern flounder, greater amberjack, red drum, red snapper, zebrafish, abalone, shrimp, hard corals and long-spined sea urchins.

Recirculating systems that filter and reuse water are environmentally compatible, conserve precious water resources, provide biosecurity to protect farmed animals from disease, and ensure good water quality conditions for farmed species. The opportunity to develop and expand marine fish farming to inland locations using recirculating technology addresses both land and regulatory constraints facing Florida’s aquaculture producers. The need to move marine aquaculture inland is based on skyrocketing coastal property costs and the need to develop sustainable production methods that are safe for the environment and expand opportunities for diversification of Florida’s aquaculture industry. Research is directed at designing and testing filtration systems that operate with minimal water loss to support the establishment of inland marine fish farms. Recent studies have integrated fish and wetland plant production in order to utilize high-nutrient waste to produce a secondary crop. Future studies will focus on expanding saleable products, incorporating alternative energy into system design to increase the economic feasibility of recirculating systems, and marine aquaponics.


Program Details

Current Projects
  • Common Snook Aquaculture Research: Snook—prized by anglers for decades because of their acrobatic leaps on the end of a fishing line and their ability to evade capture more often than not—are one of the most important catches in Florida’s saltwater recreational fishing industry. Their popularity, however, has a downside: fishing pressures have placed them on the state’s list of “species of special concern” and resulted in the need for fishing restrictions and careful monitoring. Such considerations have led Mote to focus on growing snook (and other marine species) in captivity so they can be released to help replenish wild fish stocks. Our snook research also includes outreach to the wider community—including special fishing clinics for kids at Mote’s Aquaculture Research Park in eastern Sarasota County.
    • Background: Mote began working closely with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) in the 1980s to develop technology to culture common snook (Centropomis undecimalis). We initially focused on catching wild snook during the spawning season and then transferring them to tanks at our City Island facility. These fish were induced to spawn soon after capture and researchers collected the fertilized eggs. This approach led to limited larval survival and in 1996 we began collecting and fertilizing eggs from wild, naturally spawning fish in Sarasota Bay. This strategy was more successful and provided good quality eggs for larval growth and production studies for stock enhancement.
    • Wild Spawning Research: To collect snook eggs, a group of eight to 10 staff deploy a 400-foot-by-10-foot seine net from a boat. Netting sites are chosen based on knowledge of snook spawning behavior and the feasibility of deploying and collecting snook in the large seine net safely. In Southwest Florida, snook spawn from May through September, congregating near passes and inlets to bays following new and full moons. Although there are many sites that snook congregate for spawning, the currents or topography of a site may be too difficult to net. After the fish are collected in the seine, they are then separated by sex into floating pens, or hapas. Milt (sperm) is taken from the males and eggs are taken from the females and the fish are released alive and unharmed. Eggs and milt are then combined with seawater and the eggs are fertilized then carefully packed and transported to Mote where they were stocked in larval-rearing tanks and maintained for growth and other studies.
    • Captive Spawning Research: In 2006, Mote began developing year-round maturation and spawning techniques for snook held at Mote Aquaculture Research Park. Each 14,348-gallon (54.3 m3) snook broodstock tank and its associated filtration system is designed to hold up to 40 adult snook. In 2006, we successfully matured and spawned snook in captivity during the natural spawning season. In 2007 and 2008, we successfully matured and spawned snook two months before the natural spawning season—a first for this species held in captivity.  Broodstock research is focused on determining:
      • Optimal broodstock diet to improve egg quality
      • Environmental, behavioral and social cues to improve maturation and spawning in captivity
      • Spawning dynamics, effective breeding population and individual spawning performance
    • Larval Production Research: Snook larval and juvenile research at Mote is focused on improving survival in larval rearing and nursery culture. Snook start off their lives as very small larvae – approximately 0.06 inches (1.5 mm). This small size means that they require extremely small food. Larval snook are initially fed rotifers, a small zooplankton approximately 0.00039 inches (100 micrometers). Rotifers are fed algae for survival and to enhance their nutritional profile. Before they’re fed to snook, we also add enrichments to increase their fatty acid content. Larval survival is not optimal on an initial rotifer diet and research is ongoing to identify alternative first feeds for larval snook. Other research is evaluating nutritional (probiotics), environmental and behavioral conditions required to increase larval survival.
    • Juvenile Production Research: Juvenile, or nursery culture, research is focused on increasing the numbers of healthy juvenile snook produced for stock enhancement. Reducing cannibalism, determining optimal diet and reducing the incidence of deformities (such as lordosis) are key factors being studied. When snook metamorphose from larvae to nursery stage fish 25-30 days after hatching, they are highly cannibalistic. Snook are so aggressive that they will even try to swallow a fish of the same size. This aggression among juvenile snook makes it necessary to routinely grade the fish based on size – that is, keeping smaller and larger fish in separate tanks. However, even with frequent size grading, the snook’s aggressive behavior makes it difficult to rear these animals in high densities. Research is ongoing to determine the culture conditions required to reduce aggression in nursery culture systems. The incidence of spinal deformities (lordosis or bent-back syndrome) in hatchery-reared snook varies from year to year. Lordosis is caused by a wide range of factors; however, nutritional deficiencies and environmental conditions are two of the most common causes. Recent Mote research revealed that modifications in current velocity within the tank can significantly reduce the occurrence of deformities in common snook fingerlings.
  • Pacific Snook Aquaculture Research: In 2013, we expanded our snook breeding research effort to develop maturation and spawning methods Pacific snook species.  Current efforts are focused determining the cues to induce maturation and spawning with black snook, Centropomus nigrescens, from the southwest coast of Costa Rica in the broodstock systems at MAP. The goal is to develop aquaculture methods to produce black snook for stock enhancement in Costa Rica.
  • Florida Pompano Aquaculture Research: Pompano are a popular food and sport fish with great potential as an aquaculture species. They are generally a hardy, fast-growing fish with a tolerance for low salinity water. Mote pompano research is focused on improving techniques to culture the Florida Pompano (Trachinotus carolinus).
    • Captive Spawning Research: Mote’s research team spawned wild broodstock for the first time in 2003 and produced almost 5,000 fingerlings. Some of these fish were grown to broodstock size, matured and spawned to produce F2 pompano. Research evaluated the effect of broodstock diet on egg and larval quality. The fatty acid profile of eggs produced by captive pompano fed fresh frozen food versus a formulated diet was compared to baseline profiles from wild pompano eggs. Results demonstrated the need for a better broodstock diet for pompano and the importance of ARA (arachodonic acid) in broodstock nutrition. In 2013, we initiated a project to study growth heritability in Florida pompano. Using the latest DNA fingerprinting technology, we are collaborating with the Florida Wildlife Research Institute to determine if genetic selection can be used as a tool to produce fast-growing pompano.
    • Larval Production Research: Larval rearing research is focused on improving larval survival with probiotics and on reducing larval rearing costs through early weaning from live food. The addition of probiotics to larval diets appears to promote growth and early maturation of the digestive system.
    • Juvenile and Growout Production Research: Fingerling and growout research is focusing on improved feeding strategies to reduce production costs in recirculating tank systems, off-flavor removal strategies and marketing.
  • Marine Recirculating Systems Design and Evaluation: Recirculating systems that filter and reuse water are environmentally compatible, provide biosecurity to protect farmed animals from disease and ensure good water quality conditions for farmed fish.  In 2004, Mote designed and built a three-stage recirculating system for marine broodstock. We connected a primary filtration system (System A) to each broodstock tank, which included a solids filter, a moving bed biofilter, foam fractionator, ultraviolet light (UV) sterilizer and heater/chiller. Approximately 25% of the clean water from multiple broodstock tanks is circulated through a secondary filtration system (System B) each day. This system includes denitrification, foam fractionation, UV, ozone and carbon filtration. The waste from Systems A and B is filtered through a final filtration system (System C) that includes a solids filter, a moving bed biofilter, foam fractionator, denitrifier, UV, ozone and carbon filtration. Solids are dewatered and captured in a sand-drying bed or a geotube.  In 2005, three separate larval rearing systems were designed and constructed and linked to the final filtration system.  In 2007, Mote partnered with FWC and Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution to produce marine fishes and invertebrates in recirculating systems to enhance Florida’s recreational fisheries.  Efforts at Mote were directed toward designing and testing a zero discharge recirculating aquaculture system to grow out Phase III (25-80 gram) red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), one of the most popular sportfish in Florida. A 7-tank growout production system was constructed and successfully tested and evaluated during two red drum production runs.  In 2010, Mote scientists redesigned the wastewater system associated with the marine fish growout production system into an integrated aquaculture system (IAS). The IAS incorporates wetland plants, as part of the water treatment system, and is producing market size Florida pompano. University of South Florida engineers evaluated the flow of nutrients in this system and Aquatic Plants of Florida produced wetland plants using high-nutrient wastewater in greenhouse raceways at MAP.
  • Marine Aquaponics Project: In 2014, Mote initiated a project to develop a small-scale marine aquaponics system based on the established technology for freshwater aquaponics in collaboration with the University of South Florida and Morningstar Fishermen. The goal is to provide expanded opportunities for local, community-based food production. A low-salinity, brackish water system will be used to produce red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and edible sea vegetables (sea purselane and saltwort). Solid fish waste produced by the aquaponics system will be used to fertilize wetland plants for coastal restoration projects with  Aquatic Plants of Florida.
Grants Received
  • Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission – Developing aquaculture technologies to produce common snook for stock enhancement
  • NOAA SeaGrant – Evaluating performance of pilot and commercial wastewater systems associated with inland production of high-value marine fish Developing sustainable year-round captive spawning technologies for a new aquaculture species, Seriola dumerili
  • Florida SeaGrant – Sustainable production of marine fish and sea vegetables in a marine aquaponics system
  • Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Aquaculture – Increasing pompano larval and postlarval performance and survival with improved microparticulate diets
  • Tranquility Management – Developing reliable methods to mature, spawn and rear larval Costa Rican Pacific snook
Research Collaborations
  • Aquatic Plants of Florida—using wetland plants as a tool to improve production economics of recirculating aquaculture systems.
  • Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Stock Enhancement Research Facility—developing marine fish culture methods for high-value recreational fishery stocks (common snook and red drum) in land-based recirculating aquaculture systems.
  • Florida Wildlife Research Institute—developing new tools to evaluate maturation and spawning in marine fishes (Dr. Harry Grier) and utilizing molecular markers to determine the parentage of marine fishes (Dr. Michael Tringali).
  • University of Maryland Baltimore County—evaluating hormone profiles and testing spawning aids to better understand maturation and spawning in marine fishes AND developing maturation and spawning methods for Greater Amberjack.
  • University of South Florida, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering—designing and evaluating integrated aquaculture systems.
  • University of Stirling—developing spawning and larval rearing technologies for high-value marine fishes.
  • University of Texas Marine Science Institute—developing improved spawning and larval rearing technologies for marine fishes.

Beginning Farmer Education Program Launched

Additional Program Information

  • He, Q., Z. Cheng, D. Zhang, K. Main, C. Feng, S.J. Ergas (2020). A sulfur-based cyclic denitrification filter for marine recirculating aquaculture systems. Bioresource Technology 310 (2020)
  • Hans, R., R. Schloesser, N. Brennan, R. Ribeiro, K.L. Main (2019). Effects of stocking density on cannibalism in juvenile common snook Centropomus undecimalis. DOI:10.1111/are.14353
  • Patrick, G., A.M. Tarnecki, N. Rhody, R. Schloesser, K. Main, R. Yanong, R. Francis-Floyd (2019). Disinfection of Almaco jack (Seriola rivoliana Valenciennes) eggs: Evaluation of three chemicals. Aquaculture Research
  • Waldrop, T., K.L. Main, A. Tarnecki, N. Brennan and E. Boggis (2019) Mullet-based diets show promise as aquafeed ingredient. Global Aquaculture Advocate, Vol. 194, Aug. 12, 2019.
  • Guttman, L., A. Neoria, S.E. Boxman, R. Barkana, B. Shahara, A.M. Tarnecki, N.P. Brennan, K.L. Main and M. Shpigel (2019) An integrated Ulva-periphyton biofilter for mariculture effluents: Multiple nitrogen removal kinetics. Algal Research 42 (2019) 101586
  • Tarnecki, A.M., M. Wafapoor, R.N. Phillips, and N.R. Rhody (2019)  Benefits of a Bacillus probiotic to larval fish survival and transport stress resistance. Sci. Rep. 9, 4892. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-39316-w.
  • Tarnecki, A.M., N.P. Brennan, R.W. Schloesser and N.R. Rhody (2019) Shifts in the Skin-Associated Microbiota of Hatchery-Reared Common Snook Centropomus undecimalis During Acclimation to the Wild. Microb. Ecol. 77, 770–781. doi:10.1007/s00248-018-1252-7.
  • Main, K.L., D.L. Wetzel, R. Grams, M.J. Nystrom, K. Niebuhr and J. Lewis. (2018) Utilizing recirculating aquaculture systems to evaluate the impact of oil toxicity on marine fishes: Design and operation of a large-scale experimental system.  Marine Technology Society Journal 52(6):23-31.
  • Tarnecki, A.M., Rhody, N.R. Walsh, C. (2018) Health Parameters and Blood Bacterial Assemblages of Healthy Captive Red Drum Sciaenops ocellatus: Implications for Aquaculture and Fish Health Management. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. http:
  • Boxman, S. M. Nystrom, S.J. Ergas, K.L. Main, and M.A. Trotz. (2018) Evaluation of water treatment capacity, nutrient cycling, and biomass production in a marine aquaponic system. Ecological Engineering 120 (2018): 299-310.
  • He, Q., Zhang, D., Main, K., Feng, C., and S.J. Ergas. (2018) Biological denitrification in marine aquaculture systems: A multiple electron donor microcosm study. Bioresource Technology 263(2018): 340-349.
  • Yanes-Roca, C., M.E. Toledo-Cuevas, L.J. Sanchez, A.Born-Torrijos, N. Rhody and K.L. Main (2017) Digestive enzyme activity during larval development of black snook, Centropomus nigrescens. J. World Aquaculture Society https:
  • Pulster, E.L., K. Main, D. Wetzel, and S. Murawski (2017) Species-specific metabolism of naphthalene and phenanthrene in 3 species of marine teleosts exposed to Deepwater Horizon crude oil. Environmental Toxicology 2017: 1-9.
  • Merz, C.R. and K.L. Main. (2017) Microalgae bioproduction – Feeds, foods, nutraceuticals, and polymers. IN: Fuels, Chemicals and Materials from the Oceans and Aquatic Sources, Edited by Kerton, F.M. and N. Yan. John Wiley & Sons Ltd
  • Ma, Q., S. Seyoum, M.D. Tringali, M.J. Resley, N.R. Rhody, K.L. Main, K.M. Leber (2017) Evaluating spawning performance among captive Florida pompano Trachinotus carolinus broodstock using microsatellite-based parentage assignment. Aquaculture Research 2017:1-12.
  • Boxman, S. M. Nystrom, J.C. Capodice, S.J. Ergas, K.L. Main, and M.A. Trotz. (2016) Effect of support medium, hydraulic loading rate, and plant density on water quality and growth of halophytes in marine aquaponic systems, Aquaculture Research 2016: 1-15. DOI:10.1111/are.13083
  • Salze, G.P., D.A. Davis, M. Resley, N. Rhody, K. Main, K. Stuart, and M. Drawbridge. (2015) Advances in understanding of taurine functions in fishes across species and life stages. XIII International Symposium on Aquaculture Nutrition. Hermosillo, Sonora, México November 11-13 2015.
  • Boxman, S.E., A. Kruglick, B. McCarthy,  N.P. Brennan, M. Nystrom, S.J. Ergas, T. Hanson, K.L. Main, and M.A. Trotz. (2015) Performance evaluation of a commercial land-based integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system using constructed wetlands and geotextile bags for solids treatment. Aquacultural Engineering 69: 23-36.
  • Boxman, S., K.L. Main, M. Nystrom, S. J. Ergas and M. Trotz. (2015) Aquaponic system produces red drum, saltwater vegetable species. Global Aquaculture Advocate, July/August, 2015: 58-60.
  • Rhody, N. R., A. Davie, N. Zmora, Y. Zohar, K. L. Main, and H. Migaud (2015) Influence of tidal cycles on the endocrine control of reproductive activity in common snook (Centropomus undecimalis). General and Comparative Endocrinology 224:247–259.
  • Hauville, M. R., N. R. Rhody, M. J. Resley, J. Gordon Bell, K. L. Main, and H. Migaud. (2015). Comparative study of lipids and fatty acids in the liver, muscle, and eggs of wild and captive common snook broodstock. Aquaculture 446:227–235.
  • Hauville, M.R., J.L. Zambonino-Infante, G. Bell, H. Migaud, and K.L. Main. (2014) Effects of a mix of Bacillus sp. as a potential probiotic for Florida pompano, common snook and red drum larvae performances and digestive enzyme activities. Aquaculture Nutrition 2014: DOI: 10.1111/anu.12226.
  • Merz, C.R. and K.L. Main. (2014) Microalgae (Diatom) production – The aquaculture and biofuel nexus. Marine Technology Society and the Oceanic Engineering Society of the Instutute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers – OCEANS’14 Conference.
  • Rhody, N., C. Puchulutegui, J.B. Taggart, K.L. Main, and H. Migaud. (2014) Parental contribution and spawning performance in captive common snook Centropomus undecimalis broodstock. Aquaculture 432, 144-153.
  • Hauville, M.R., J.L. Zambonino-Infante, G. Bell, H. Migaud, and K.L. Main. (2014) Impacts of three different microdiets on Florida Pompano, Trachinotus carolinus, weaning success, growth, fatty acid incorporation and enzyme activity. Aquaculture 422–423: 268–276.
  • Boxman, S., B. McCarthy, F. Zhong, S. Ergas, M. Trotz, A. Tejada-Martinez and K.L. Main (2014). Modelling nitrogen transformations in a pilot scale marine integratedaquaculture system.  Aquaculture America 2014 Seattle, Washington.
  • Caldentey, P., J. Gardiner, T. Heimann, and N. Brennan. (2014) Prey capture kinematics of wild and hatchery juvenile common snook Centropomus undecimalis. Aquaculture America 2014 Seattle, Washington.
  • Barón-Aguilar, C.C., N. Rhody, K.L. Main, E. Peebles and F. Muller-Karger 2013. Influence of Temperature on Yolk Resorption in Common Snook Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch, 1792) Larvae. Aquaculture Research. 01/2013; DOI:10.1111/are.12323.
  • Rhody N., C.A. Neidig, H. Grier, K.L. Main and H. Migaud. 2013. Assessing reproductive condition in captive and wild common snook stocks: a comparison between the wet mount technique and histological preparations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142(4):979-988.
  • Brennan, N.P.,  C.L. Schoonover and K.L. Main.  2013.  Influence of feeding strategies on growth performance of Florida pompano Trachinotus carolinus reared in inland recirculating systems. Aquaculture 2013. Nashville, Tennessee. Oral Presentation.  February 21-25, 2013.
  • Caldentey, P. N.P. Brennan, K.L. Main and K.M. Leber.  2013.  Improving post-release survival of cultured juvenile common snook Centropomus undecimalis through hatchery conditioning. Aquaculture 2013. Nashville, Tennessee. Oral Presentation.  February 21-25, 2013.
  • McCarthy, B., Boxman, S., Kruglick, A., Main, K., Brennan, N., Trotz, M. A., Ergas, S.J.(2013) Dynamic Systems Model of Nitrogen Transformation and Removal in a Marine Integrated Aquaculture System, Water Environment Federation/International Water Association Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2013, Vancouver BC, July 28-31, 2013.
  • Michaels, J.T., N. Ashton, C. Beaulaton, W. Graham, M. Kestner and K.L. Main. 2013. Performance observations of denitrification reactors utilizing four separate carbon sources in a commercial-scale aquaculture application. Aquaculture 2013. Nashville, Tennessee. Oral Presentation.  February 21-25, 2013.
  • Nystrom, M., N. Brennan, K. Dixon, A. Nissanka, K.L. Main. 2013. Evaluating the efficiency of alternative denitrification strategies on a recirculating brackish-water (15 ppt) production system. Aquaculture 2013. Nashville, Tennessee. Oral Presentation.  February 21-25, 2013.
  • Rhody N., Neidig A., Grier H., Main K. and Migaud H., 2013. Assessing reproductive condition in captive and wild common snook stocks: a comparison between the wet mount technique and histological preparations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society – DOI:10.1080/00028487.2013.
  • Boxman, S., A. Kruglick, D. Koirala, S. J. Ergas, K. Main, N. Brennan, M. A. Trotz. (2012) Land-based integrated aquaculture systems: Sustainability assessment of a pilot scale system. WEFTEC (Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition Conference) 2012,  Sept 29-Oct 3, 2012, New Orleans, LA.
  • Brennan, N., C. Yanes-Roca, R. Yanong, D. Reese, and K.L. Main. (2012). Influence of Water Flow on Spinal Development of Juvenile Common Snook. AQUA 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Caldentey, P., N. Brennan, K.M. Leber, and K.L. Main. (2012). Influence of Hatchery Conditioning on Post-Release Survival of Juvenile Common Snook Centropomus undecimalis. AQUA 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Hauville, M.R. K.L. Main and F.T. Barrows (2012) Effect of different micro-diets on Florida pompano Trachinotus carolinus weaning success, growth, and fatty acid incorporation. Aquaculture America 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Rhody, N., C. Puchulutegui, K.L. Main, and H. Migaud. (2012). Analysis of Parental Contribution and Spawning Performance in Wild Captive Common Snook Centropomus undecimalis Broodstock.  AQUA 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Yanes-Roca, C. and K.L. Main (2012) Improving larval culture and rearing techniques on common snook (Centropomus undecimalis), Chapter 10: 187-216. IN: Aquaculture, Z. Muchlisin (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-974-5, InTech.
  • Yanes-Roca, C., N.R. Rhody, M. Nystrom, M.L. Wittenrich, and K.L. Main (2012). Embryonic and early larval development in hatchery-reared common snook Centropomus  undecimalis (Bloch). North American Journal of Aquaculture 74(4): 499-511.
  • Hamlin, H.J., M.R. Milnes, C.M. Beaulaton, L.C. Albergotti and L.J. Guillette. 2011. Gonadal stage and sex steroid correlations in Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baeri, habituated to a semitropical environment. J. World Aquaculture Society 42(3): 313-320.
  • Hauville, M., N.R. Rhody, K.L. Main. 2011. Efficacy of hydrogen peroxide as a surface disinfectant for common snook (Centropomus undecimalis) eggs. Aquaculture America 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Main, K.L. and N.P. Brennan. 2011. Integrated Aquaculture of Marine Fish and Plants for Food and Restoration in a Low Salinity Recirculating System. World Aquaculture 2011, Natal, Brazil.
  • Main, K.L., M. Resley, N.R. Rhody, N. Brennan, M. Nystrom, F. Jaenike. 2011. Developing Florida Pompano Hatchery Technology for Offshore Aquaculture, Land-Based Systems and Stock Enhancement in the Gulf of Mexico. Abstract – Aquaculture America 2011. New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Rhody, N.R., K.L. Main, H. Migaud, M. Resley. 2011. Evaluation of Spawning Performance in Wild Captive Common Snook Centropomus undecimalis Broodstock Implanted With GnRHa. Abstract – Aquaculture America 2011. New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Watson, S., T. Halfhide, J. Trimmer, Q. Zhang, J. Wolan, K. Main, S.J. Ergas. 2011. Reducing the Nutrient Impacts of Aquaculture Through the Use of an Algal Photobioreactor Production System, Proc. 2011 WEF Nutrient Recovery and Management Conference,  Jan. 9-12, 2011, Miami, FL.
  • Goodbody-Gringley. G. and K.L. Main 2010. Effects of Grazer Presence on Larval Settlement by Porites astreoides.  Linking Science to Management: A Conference & Workshop on the Florida Keys Marine Ecosystem 2010, Duck Key, Florida.
  • Main, K.L. and G. Goodbody-Gringley. 2010. Effect of Light on the Growth of Four Corals Species in Land-Based Nursery Systems. Linking Science to Management: A Conference & Workshop on the Florida Keys Marine Ecosystem 2010, Duck Key, Florida.
  • Main, K.L., M.J. Resley, N. Rhody, M. Nystrom, T. Stevens C. Adams. 2010. An Overview of Florida Pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) Research at Mote Aquaculture Research Park. Abstract – World Aquaculture 2010, San Diego, California.
  • Nystrom, M., K.L. Main, T.Losordo. 2010. Development and Evaluation of a Zero-Discharge Fingerling Production System to Produce Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) for Stock Enhancement.  Abstract – World Aquaculture 2010, San Diego, California.
  • Rhody, N.R., N. Abi-Nassif, K.L. Main. 2010. Effects of salinity on growth and survival of common snook Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch, 1792) larvae. Aquaculture Research 41:e357-e360.
  • Main, K.L., C. Yanes-Roca, N. Rhody. 2009. Status and challenges in larval rearing and fingerling aquaculture of Common Snook (Centropomus undecimalis) in Florida. Abstract. Second International Symposium on the Biology and Culture of Snooks. Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico.
  • Resley, M., K.L. Main, J. Stubblefield. 2009.  An overview of Common Snook (Centropomus undecimalis) broodstock maturation and spawning research in Florida. Abstract. Second International Symposium on the Biology and Culture of Snooks. Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico.
  • Resley, M.J., N. Rhody, K. Main. 2009. Assessment Of Growth And Survival On Larval Common Snook, Centropomus Undecimalis, Fed Rotifers Enriched With Arachidonic Acid. Abstract – Aquaculture America 2009, Seattle, Washington.
  • Wittenrich, M.L., N.R. Rhody, R.G. Turingan, K.L. Main. 2009. Coupling osteological development of the feeding apparatus with feeding performance in larvae of common snook, Centropomus undecimalis: identifying morphological constraints to feeding. Aquaculture 294: 221-227.
  • Yanes-Roca, C., N. Rhody, M. Nystrom, K.L. Main. 2009. Effects of fatty acid composition and spawning season patterns on egg quality and larval survival in common snook (Centropomus undecimalis). Aquaculture 287 (3-4): 335-340.
  • Hamlin, H.J., B.C. Moore, T.M. Edwards, I.L.V. Larkin, A. Boggs, W.J. High, K.L. Main, L.J. Guillette. 2008. Nitrate-induced elevations in circulating sex steroid concentrations in female Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) in commercial aquaculture. Aquaculture 281:118-125.
  • Hamlin, H.J., J.T. Michaels, C.M. Beaulaton, W.F. Graham, W.Dutt, P. Steinbach, T.M. Losordo, K.K. Schrader, and K.L. Main. 2008. Comparing denitrification rates and carbon sources in commercial scale upflow denitrification biological filters in aquaculture. Aquacultural Engineering 38: 79-92.
  • Main, K.L., M. Nystrom, and T. Losordo. 2008. Performance evaluation of an intensive recirculating aquaculture system for production of juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Abstract – Aquaculture America 2008, Orlando, Florida.
  • Resley, M.J., K.L. Main, and J. Stubblefield. 2008. Recent advances in captive spawning of common snook Centropomus undecimalis. Abstract – Aquaculture America 2008, Orlando, Florida.
  • Rhody, N.R. and M.L. Wittenrich. 2008. Coupling osteological development of the feeding apparatus with feeding performance through larval ontogeny in the common snook Centropomus undecimalis. Abstract – Aquaculture America 2008, Orlando, Florida.
  • Gandy, R.L. 2007. Bait Shrimp Culture. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center (SRAC), No. 1291. April. 5 pp.
  • Gandy, R.L. and K.L. Main 2007. Super intensive closed recirculating nursery production of Litopenaeus vannamei. Abstract – Aquaculture 2007, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Hamlin, H.J. 2007. Nitrate as an endocrine disrupting contaminant in captive Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baeri. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Florida.
  • Hamlin, H.J., T.M. Edwards, B.C. Moore, K.L. Main, and L.J. Guillette. 2007. Stress and its relation to endocrine function in Captive female Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri). Environmental Sciences 14(3): 129-139.
  • Main, K.L., N. Rhody, M. Nystrom, and M. Resley. 2007. Species Profile – Florida Pompano. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center (SRAC), No. 7206. September. 6 pp.
  • Main, K.L., M.J. Resley, M. Nystrom, J. Stubblefield and C.S. Lee 2007. Controlled maturation and spawning of common snook Centropomis undecimalis. Abstract – Aquaculture 2007, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Resley, M.J. and K.L. Main. 2007. Current broodstock activities and research at Mote Marine Laboratory: A review. Abstract – 3rd International Sustainable Marine Fish Culture Conference & Workshop. Fort Pierce, Florida.
  • Resley, M.J., M.J. Nystrom and K.L. Main 2007. Comparison of essential fatty acid profiles in captive and wild Florida pompano Trachinotus carolinus eggs. Abstract – Aquaculture 2007, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Hamlin, H.J., J. Michaels, K.L. Main, and C. Beaulaton 2006. Refining feeding practices for the hatchery production of Siberian sturgeon. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 37(2): 224-230.
  • Michaels, J.T., H.J. Hamlin, C. Beaulaton, and K.L. Main. 2006. Larval and juvenile feeding practices for the commercial production of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri. Abstract – Aquaculture 2006. Florence, Italy.
  • Rhody, N.R. 2006. Growth, yolk utilization, and ontogeny of the digestive system during early larval development in the marine ornamental flame angelfish (Centropyge loriculus): A morphological and histological study. M.Sc. Thesis. University of Stirling, Institute of Aquaculture.
  • Yanes-Roca, C. 2006. Husbandry and larval rearing of common snook (Centropomus undecimalis). Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Stirling, Institute of Aquaculture.
  • Beaulaton, C., H.J. Hamlin, J. Michaels, and K.L. Main 2005. The effects of four commercial larval diets on the growth and survival of Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baeri). Abstract – Aquaculture America 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Jenkins, D., M. Nystrom, C. Yanos and K. Main 2005. Moon cycle influence on egg quality of wild spawned snook Centropomis undecimalis. Abstract – Aquaculture America 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Main, K.L. 2005. Current Hatchery and Growout Technologies for High-Value Marine Fishes in the Southeastern United States. UJNR Aquaculture Panel, 34th Scientific Symposium.
  • Nystrom, M.J. and K.L. Main 2005. Growth Comparison of Juvenile Florida Pompano Trachinotus carolinus Reared in Low Salinity and High Salinity Conditions. Abstract – Aquaculture America 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Shawl, A. D. Jenkins, M. Davis and K. Main. 2005. Growth of Florida fighting conch, Strombus alatus, in recirculating systems. Proceedings of the Fifty-Sixth Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Conference, November 2003, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.
  • Yanes-Roca, C., D. Jenkins, K.L. Main, K. Rana, and K. Jauncey 2005. The influence of lipid content and spawning season patterns on egg quality and larval survival in common snook Centropomus undecimalis. Abstract – Aquaculture America 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • DeMay, R. J. Michaels, H. Hamlin and K. Main 2004. The efficacy of two styles of ultraviolet sterilizers on turbidity and bacterial loading for commercial culture. Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture, July 22-25, 2004.
  • Hamlin, H.J., K.L. Main, J. Michaels, and C. Beaulaton. 2004. Feed availability and the necessity of live feeds for Siberian sturgeon fry. Abstract – Aquaculture 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Main, K.L., M. Nystrom, J. Haws and N. Rhody 2004. Reducing cannibalism in nursery culture of the red snapper Lutjanus campechanus. Abstract – Aquaculture 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Nystrom, M. and K.L. Main. 2004. Development of transport techniques for juvenile red snapper. Abstract – Aquaculture 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Pasto, E., K. Main, J. Michaels and H. Hamlin 2004. Methods of oxygen delivery for high-density recirculating aquaculture: Air vs. oxygen administration. Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture, July 22-25, 2004.
  • Main, K.L. and K.M. Leber. 2003. Developing marine fish culture technologies for stock enhancement in recirculating systems. Abstract – International Sustainable Marine Fish Culture Conference & Workshop. Fort Pierce, Florida.
  • Yanes-Roca, C., K.L. Main, and K. Rana. 2003. Increasing egg quality and larval survival of common snook Centropomus undecimalis. Abstract – World Aquaculture 2003. Salvador, Brazil.
  • Main, K.L., D.W. Jenkins and M.J. Nystrom 2002. Larval culture methods for common snook, Centropomus undecimalis, in recirculating systems. World Aquaculture 2002 (Abstract).