Fun Facts

  •  We can use fatty acids to know what polar bears are eating and how changes in Arctic ice are affecting their normal diets and thus their health. 

  • We have developed fascinating approaches for using amino acids for determining ages of whales and found that some whales can live to be over 200 years old. 

  • We hold a patent for Mote Marine Laboratory, which uses a biomarker to determine the sex of a fish using blood; extremely useful for commercial applications. 

  • In collaboration with the Marine and Freshwater Aquaculture program, the ELF program has constructed the largest adult fish exposure system complete with its own wastewater treatment system for conducting both short and long term stressor experiments.

  • The ELF program staff were among the first responders to the Deepwater Horizon spill, where we carried out long term monitoring of oil in water, sediments and organisms. 

  • The ELF program was selected to carry out toxicity tests and environmental assessments in support of the NOAA Natural Resource Damage Assessment litigation after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

  • We can use novel biomolecular technology to help carry out diagnostic health assessments in wild life populations

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