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Acan lord corals range in color from red, orange and purple to blue and green. They have thick, bumpy ridges on their corallites...
Uniquely, alligator snapping turtles are the only species of turtle to have eyes positioned on the side of their head. This widens...
American alligators are endemic to the United States, meaning they don’t exist anywhere else in the world. More specifically,...
Angular sea whips have large, bushy and flat branches originating from a single base. They can range in color from gray and purple...
Arrow crabs have abnormally long spider-like legs and a pointy head. Their bodies are yellow-brown in color with white and brown...
Artichoke corals can be green, brown, red, tan or bright orange in color. They’re attached at the base to various hard surfaces...
Atlantic blue tangs are entirely light blue in color and pancake-shaped. They have a spine at the base of their tails used to...
Atlantic deer cowries are aquatic snails that reside in benthic environments. These snails are broadcast spawners, meaning they...
Atlantic guitarfish are long and smooth fish. They have long, diamond-shaped faces and a set of triangular pectoral fins right...
Closely related, bay and sea nettles differ in a few minuscule ways. Bay nettles are half the size of the sea nettles and typically...
Atlantic stingrays prefer to live in brackish or freshwater environments, burying themselves under silt and sand of estuaries,...
Australian spotted jellyfish have gelatinous, rounded heads that can vary in color from clear to brown depending on their environment....
The Australian stripey has a small, round body with distinct diagonal black and yellow striping. They have small faces and large...
Axolotls exist in a variety of colors, ranging from dark browns and greens to albino (pinkish-white). They have feathery gills...
Azure damselfish are two-toned, with a bright blue upper half and an orange-yellow bottom half. They have a fanned dorsal fin,...
The Bahama sea star is one of the biggest species of sea star, growing up to 50 centimeters in diameter. Like most other sea stars,...
Banded coral shrimp have extremely long antennae, red and white banded legs and body and two small claws.
Banded sunfish have yellow-tan bodies with five to seven dark vertical bars. They have rounded tail fins, pointed and upturned...
These snails have shiny, marbled shells with gray, brown, yellow and white coloration. They have purple-brown spiral bands wrapping...
Barred angelfish get their name from the dark black bars that run vertically from their head to the very tip of their tail. They...
Barred hamlet are yellow-white with six brown bars running vertically starting at the eye. They have an iridescent blue ring around...
These fish have a striking appearance with a bright green face and tail, thick white stripes down their sides and hints of orange...
Bat stars are typically a vibrant red-orange, though they can also be found in shades of white, green, purple and pink. Their...
The bay sea star range in color from yellow-orange to deep purple. They have short tube feet on the underside of their five pointed...
Beaugregory fish are hard to miss with their bright blue crowns and yellow bellies. Juveniles have a dark spot where the dorsal...
Belted sandsfish, also called belted sandbass, are red-brown in color and have darker splotches down its tail fins. These small...
Bermuda blue angelfish are hard to miss in reef communities with their bright blue and yellow coloring. Their bright colors making...
Bermuda chubs have oval, gray-silver bodies with highlights of yellow along their faces. Young Bermuda chubs have lighter gray...
Male bicolor anthias have a violet body with yellow coloring back to the base of their tail. Females are lavender in color with...
The bicolored foxface fish is a small, strikingly colored species. The front two-thirds of its body features a deep blue-black...
Male yellowback basslets have a violet body with yellow coloring back to the base of their tail. Females are lavender in color...
Bignose unicornfish are long and oval-shaped. They are yellow-brown in color with highlights of bright blue alone their snout,...
Birdled parrotfish are dark blue-green in color with an irregular pink scrawling pattern on their head, midsection and middle...
Black boring sea urchins are less round and more elliptical (oval) shaped. They have anywhere from 100-150 short, thick spines...
Black crappies are small, compressed fish with black mottling pattern on their silvery-white bodies. Their fins and forked tail...
The black drum is the largest species of drum. They have a highly arched back. Their backs are gray or black, and fade to a white...
Black mangroves are native coastal plants. Despite its name, black mangroves have green leaves that are long and slender in shape....
Black sea rods have short branches ranging in color from black and purple to green and yellow. Their branches have white polyps....
Black snook have silvery-gray bodies with a single black line from their heads to their black tails.
This snail has a black shell that is white underneath and about as wide as it is tall. The snail’s head and foot are also...
Black durgon fish are round and blue in color with highlights of yellow near the face. Irregular striping runs from their face...
This fish have a long oval body that is black or dark brown with yellow or orange splotches. The belly is paler.
Black-spotted whiptail rays are light grayish-brown on top, densely covered in dark spots surrounded with a ring of white. Their...
Blackbanded sunfish have silvery-olive bodies with irregular, dark striping, including through their eyes. They have fanned dorsal...
Blackbar soldierfish are entirely dark orange in color excluding the highlights of white at the end of their fins and tail. They...
Blackcap basslets get their name from the large black spot on their head. Their bodies range in color from dark purple at the...
Blackfin tuna are a migratory species, and are an important species to commercial and recreational fisheries. They have torpedo-shaped...
These sharks get their name from the dark spot on the tip of their snout. As they get older, the black spot fades and becomes...